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Monday, August 20, 2007

What is Electromagnetic Therapy (EMT)?

Electricity and magnetism have always been part and parcel of our natural environment, although most people are completely unaware of it. All life systems have interdependence between electricity and magnetism which are created by the movement or oscillation of energy.

Symptoms of ill health have been viewed in Western orthodox medicine as due to chemical imbalances that need to be suppressed by invasive (drug) therapies, but if the traditional fixation on chemistry alone can be cast off, the symptoms can be seen as caused by upsets in the fine balance of the body's bioelectrical or energy system. This is something that was well understood centuries ago, particularly in the East, where practitioners of "energy medicine" developed effective health models based on the restoration and maintenance of balanced and harmonious energy.

All therapies that work on and recognize the significance of a balanced energy system can be classed as electromagnetic therapy; however in this particular context we take electromagnetic therapy to mean therapy that specifically employs therapeutic magnetic fields generated by electrical currents.

Over recent decades there has been growing scientific research and understanding of how cells in the body are affected by these unseen energy forces that can travel through space and matter alike. Electromagnetic therapy comes in various forms and in many applications but all aim to stimulate change at a cellular or neurological level or re-establish an equilibrium or harmony by delivering some type of magnetic pulse.

For more information about energy medicine therapy, please write to

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Power of Energy Medicine

Practitioners of energy medicine believe that illness results from disturbances of these subtle energies (the biofield, An energy field that is proposed to surround and flow throughout the human body and play a role in health. Biofields have not been measured by conventional instruments. Reiki and qi gong are examples of therapies that involve biofields.). For example, more than 2,000 years ago, Asian practitioners postulated that the flow and balance of life energies are necessary for maintaining health and described tools to restore them. Herbal medicine, acupuncture (Aupuncture is a family of procedures that originated in traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points on the body by a variety of techniques, including the insertion of thin metal needles though the skin. It is intended to remove blockages in the flow of qi and restore and maintain health., Acupressure - A type of acupuncture that stimulates specific points on the body using pressure applied by the hands., moxibustion - In traditional Chinese medicine, the use of heat from burning the herb moxa on or near the skin at an acupuncture point. Intended to stimulate the flow of qi and restore health., and cupping, for example, are all believed to act by correcting imbalances in the internal biofield, such as by restoring the flow of qi through meridians to reinstate health. Some therapists are believed to emit or transmit the vital energy (external qi) to a recipient to restore health.

Examples of practices involving putative energy fields include:
(a) Reiki and Johrei, both of Japanese origin
(b) Qi gong, a Chinese practice
(c) Healing touch, in which the therapist is purported to identify
imbalances and correct a client's energy by passing his or her hands
over the patient
(d) Intercessory prayer, in which a person intercedes through prayer on
behalf of another

Energy Medicine Involving Putative Energy Fields. The concept that sickness and disease arise from imbalances in the vital energy field of the body has led to many forms of therapy. In TCM, a series of approaches are taken to rectify the flow of qi, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture (and its various versions), qi gong, diet, and behavior changes.

Qi Gong, another energy modality that purportedly can restore health, is practiced widely in the clinics and hospitals of China. Most of the reports were published as abstracts in Chinese, which makes accessing the information difficult.

For more information, please goto

If you need more information about complimentary session of Energy Therapy in Singapore, kindly email to